When we started Out of the Blue almost five years ago, one of the first products Linda and I chose was a line of table linens from France. We continue to carry Couleur Nature because of the quality, ease of use, and consistently beautiful patterns and colors they create. Twice a year they deliver new designs which have just arrived! Stop by and check them out. See why we loved them then, and we love them even more now.

Deborah Chapman, friend and inspirational owner of Tin Woodsman Pewter has expanded her beautiful and functional line to include handmade ceramic canister sets and coffee canisters embossed with their signature hammered lead free pewter designs. Soon you will see them on Paula Deen's show- just remember you saw them here first! Like all the measuring spoons and cups gracing her counter tops on TV. All products handmade in America, all functional, all beautiful, all in stock.

Our book signing with Chef Hans Rueffert earlier in the month was a HUGE success and a great afternoon of reconnecting with old friends and visiting with new ones. We sold over 100 books in under 4 hours! If you were unable to make it to the signing, just give a call, email, or order online your own copy. Make sure you tell Hans how to personalize your beautiful cookbook so you can start enjoying these delicious, healthy recipes right away.

Not only do we know all about the products we offer at Out of the Blue, we also know the people that share our passions-the owners of the small companies we partner with. It is so easy to sell these products, because they are items you will use everyday. In this day and time it is nice to feel good about the small things we share with family and friends.

Sarah: Thank you again for how you dealt with Palmer. He had a great time in your store and he loves you and talked about you as we continued our touring and return to the cabin. We will be back in Blue Ridge occasionally and will definitely be here for the parade July 4. Palmer and his Mommy will be here and I think he will take you up on your offer of participation. God Bless, you are a special lady. We have not known you very long but we really enjoy being around you, thanks.
Wayne Tessier
My name is Tonja Kines. I come up there a few times a year and have been in your beautiful shop. I have bought some Tin Woodsman from you before. I love Tin Woodsman and I have turn my sister in-law onto it also. She likes the fluer de lee (I am sure that is not how you spell it) pattern. I have the fish pattern spoons and cups and a few other things, but they all came with wall hanging brackets. All we have seen are the spoons with the stands. Is there any way we can get the spoons and cups in that pattern with the wall hangers?
I love my Couleur kitchen towels. I use some of them because they feel too good not to, but I've also got two matching (blue design and yellow lemons) that I've hung on the oven handle and refuse to touch. They're just too pretty. I'll use them eventually and for a long time because these cloths just get better with age.
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